I'm not sure you've successfully brought the metaphysical concept of oneness or non-separation into the realm of hard physics but this certainly raises good thinking points. If there is no space then why am I more gravitationally drawn to closer larger objects as per Newton's inverse square law? That said current physics based explanations for the action at a distance effect of gravity seem to have to invoke 'force particles' which may as well be magic gravitational fairies. Or else we are 'sliding' towards compressed zones of space/time (which is counter intuitive considering all other areas of relative higher density want to expand not contract). So the current model of gravity seems to be designed mainly to comfort physicists and it seems ripe for questioning - as you have. If there is something to your theory then galactic travel might rely on 'Perception Engines'. Such craft might require intrinsic links with the minds of their occupants and that may at least explain why American military intelligence can't for the life of itself reverse engineer all those pesky crashed UFOs! :D