1 min readJun 13, 2022


I wonder if there is a forest for the trees problem here?: Total global weather is driven by a differential between equatorial heat and polar cold. Thermal expansion at the equator pushes warm air towards the poles. As the heat disspates cold air is sucked towards the equator from the poles. This bellows system combined with the planet's rotation gives us our weather systems. Increasing the atmosphere's heat retention will energize this process pushing heat further polewards and pulling greater amounts of cold air towards the equator. That is - until the poles melt. At that point the pole/equator temperature differential should substantially reduce and probably create more climate stability than 20th century patterns. By this prognosis we are in for a century or so of extremely violent weather until the poles are ice free: A condition that supports greater global biomass by the way - although technological human society may not be around to see it.




Written by Adrian

I was once a frightened and self condemning human. Then in storm I met my Self. These are my learnings on the path to awakening. May they be a help to you.

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