Hi Will, (following the bluesky link gets to a complicated account setup and requires you to know/give your internet host's address?... Toohardbasket) Re your article: Did you know that life on earth is teetering on the brink of deadly CO2 DEFICIENCY? At less than 180 ppm CO2 plant life dies out on a massive scale. Very well established and understood global climate data shows a continual trend towards greater glaciation along with declining CO2 levels. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-Temperature-and-CO2-levels-over-600-million-years-Source-MacRae-2008_fig1_280548391 . If this follows course Earth will freeze over to the equator in around the next 10,000 years leaving only extremophile microbes ala a return to the Cryogenian. It seems to me that humans have far too much hubris to realize that the ecological role of 'intelligent' species with oversize brains like ours is to find and return buried CO2 to the atmosphere thus averting a catastrophic freeze over. Maybe not humans, but the rest of life on Earth is far better off with CO2 levels over 500ppm. The Cambrian evolutionary 'explosion' occured at well over 5000 ppm CO2. If we were very successful at capturing CO2 we may seriously regret it. It concerns me that anyone should attempt deliberate climate engineering based on the latest human 'certainties'. Also, once the poles melt the temperature differential between the equator and the poles significantly reduces meaning long term stable and gentle weather patterns.